Saturday, March 28, 2020

Important of Exercise

Exercise is important to control your blood sugar. If I walk a short time after I eat it does reduce my blood sugar. Personally, I get on the treadmill and walk between 30 minutes and an hour. I strive to do an hour. It also helps the way I feel. If you can not walk this long or have not been walking be sure and check with your physician. You can always start out at 5 minutes and rest for a while then walk five more minutes, even if it's just up and down your hall. After you do this for a week then stretch it to 10 minutes if you can. If you do this several times a day you will build up your body to be able to walk for longer. Speed is not the idea, walking and being active is.

Another way is to walk outside in a safe area. My wife and I go to a park not too far from home that has several trails. We start on one that has a steep incline to get our heart pumping. Did I say this was only for diabetes? Exercise will help your heart too. After about 30 minutes our trail levels off a little, or at least is not as steep. It is great to get out in the fresh air and just relax and breathe. We usually walk for more that an hour and a half but have been out several hours. See More

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